Monday 6 March 2017

#OneWeek100People2017 Day 1: Cafe portraits

UrbanSketchMeisters Marc Taro Holmes and Liz Steel put out a hash-tagged challenge to draw 100 people in one week.  That's a five-day work week (or skipping-off-work week), so 20 per day.  I was sort of thinking of maybe doing it, and I told several persuasive people that, so now I am doing it.

For day 1, I stayed with cafe portraits and a familiar technique - water-soluble ink, bled with a brush and water to soften lines and make shading, and the occasional black eye, fat lip or other unexpected blotch.  I did these quickly (~3 minutes each) to reach my quota.  Trying not to be that-guy-in-the-corner-staring-at-people, I mostly took one look then drew, with maybe a couple more glances.  It was challenging, and, I've got to say, a bit stressful.  And - when am I going to learn not to squash people's heads just because I started too close to the edge of the page?!  Oh, maybe tomorrow...

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